School Logo

Hafod Primary School

Together, we can

Gallwn gyda’n gilydd

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We place a high priority on regular attendance and punctuality of children. The importance of these should not be underestimated by parents in the affect it has on their child's education.

Government regulations mean that schools must distinguish between authorised and unauthorised absences and report long term and regular absences.

As a parent it is your responsibility to let the school know if your child is going to be absent.
Any absences can be reported on the schools absence line:

Telephone: 01792 461356 and press 1

Please only contact the School Office (Mrs Williams) and not report absences to Class Teachers via Class Dojo.

Please contact the school on the first day of an absence. Messages can be left 24hrs a day. Failure to contact the school can result in a home visit from the EWO or the police being contacted.

When your child returns to school, a note written by yourself and dated. should be given to the class teacher.


The Welsh Government stipulate:

Excellent Attendance - 97% – 100% - Well done and Keep it up!

Good Attendance - 95% - 96%

Satisfactory Attendance - 92% - 94% - As a school we are concerned and will monitor your child’s attendance

Disappointing Attendance - 91% - 88% - As a school we are very concerned and will closely monitor your child’s attendance and will contact you via letters and meetings

Unsatisfactory Attendance - 87% and below - As a school we are seriously concerned and at 80% are required to refer attendance to the Education Welfare Service


What does regular attendance mean?

Regular attendance means that your child must:
• Attend school every day unless there are justified reasons
• Arrive at school on time - gates open at 8.40 and close ready for school to start at 8.50am .

What can I do to help my child’s attendance?
It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure your child attends school regularly and punctually.
Remember that your child must not be kept away from school for such reasons as:
• A brother or sister is ill
• Visiting relatives
• Taking long weekends
• Shopping trips
• Birthday treats
• Holidays/travelling


Good school attendance enables children to feel confident and happy about the school work and activities that they participate in. As a parent you can support your child to enjoy school life to the full by ensuring they attend school every day AND on time.


Did you know? If your child’s attendance is 80%, this means your child is absent: • 1 day EVERY week • 6 days EVERY half term • 12 days EVERY term • 36 days EVERY year • 180 days in five years. . . . . . That’s nearly ONE WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR


If you have any issues, please contact our Family Liaison Officer for advice and support.

Penalty Notice Statement

